Mindy And Mandy Are Building Their Downline,


**Testimonials shown are real experiences from paying users of ClickFunnels. Their results are not typical and your experience will vary based upon your effort, education, business model, and market forces beyond our control. Please note that ClickFunnels is not a business opportunity. ClickFunnels is a website and funnel builder that helps businesses sell their products and services online. We make no earnings claims or return on investment claims, and you may not make your money back.**

Let Me Show You Why Network Marketers

Just Like You

Are Currently Abandoning Their DEAD-END Lead Generation Methods For Clickfunnels...

But first, let me share with you a quick story that will help you to understand what a sales funnel is, and more importantly, why YOU need one.  

From: Russell Brunson
RE: Does ClickFunnels work for network marketers?
If you’re here, then you’re likely a network marketer who is trying to build your team. 
Am I right?
And with good reason…
Network marketing is a $184 BILLION dollar industry, with over 103 Million people involved in direct sales worldwide!
And yet…

1 in 2 Network Marketers won’t last 12 months! 

1 Out Of Every 2 Network Marketers Don’t Actually Last More Than One Year!

And the number of distributors who actually earn a profit is even harder to swallow…
In fact, 997 out of 1,000 individuals involved with a direct sales opportunity lose money (not including time invested).


You’re Still Being Taught The SAME Recruiting Methods From 35 Years Ago!

Think about it…
What’s the first thing they tell you to do to “kickstart your business” when you join?
“Hit up your friends and family first”…right?
But the reality is…
Most of your family and friends won’t sign up under you.
Some of them won’t even be supportive.
And, if you’re not careful, you may even strain a few relationships with people who think you’re putting business before your friendship.
Even if your loved ones DO support you, you’ve probably currently exhausted your “friends & family” base…earning a front-row seat in the NFL (No Friends Left) club. 

Pounding The Pavement Isn’t Much Better.

Sure…it’s a way to get in front of some fresh faces each day, but that’s a LOT of prospecting, only to discover that the majority of them have zero interest in your business opportunity. 
And let’s face it – talking with the WRONG people who don’t want to hear your message can make you DREAD having one more conversation…am I right?  

But that’s not even the worst part…

You probably started your business as part of a mission. 
The products you sell have no doubt impacted your life in a meaningful way… 
And you want to be a part of this giant movement that’s creating positive change in the world… WHILE GETTING PAID… right?


…but how can you change lives if you never get the chance to share this business opportunity to the people it was intended for?  

Traditional Recruiting Methods Can’t Create A Sustainable Business…

(This is why…)

One of the big reasons network marketers struggle to add people to their downline is because they don’t know how to find their potential team-members. And when they DO find people to share their opportunity with, it feels like a waste of time because most aren’t even interested.
It’s the catch-22 that kills so many businesses:
You need INTERESTED people to join your team…right?
But you can’t get people interested if you aren’t able to get in front of the RIGHT crowd…

So the Million-Dollar question becomes:

“How Do You Generate MORE Conversations…

While ONLY Speaking To Those Who Are SUPER-Serious About Joining Your Team, And Practically Raising Their Hand Asking You To Sign Them Up?”

To help answer that question, let me first share a quick story that will help you to understand what a sales funnel is, and more importantly, why YOU need one: